Who We Are?

About us

We are a SMART SECURITY SOLUTIONS company, Located in Sultanate of Oman – Muscat, Our core business is to focusing on the Security as one of the strategic goals for Securing VIP places, Governmental buildings, Industrial Area & MILITARY Bases, And to provide the state of the art technology in different civilian sectors like , Green Power Stations ,Water Filters ….etc.

As we are company members of the new Al Falah Corporation Group, and it is very popular and an old as an institution in the Sultanate of Oman.

The goal of our company is to complement the details provided with an overview for cutting-edge technology. 

We are focusing on a Security Systems to help the client to improve the security to the top level, as well as the recommendation to use technology and physical security to propose the best solution to further enhance the security design for our clients.

Our Security solutions will guarantee an outstanding quality of service and, in close collaboration with World Standards, continuously seek for innovation with a focus on cost benefits against value.

Cyber-Security & Open Source intelligence systems is one of our core business as well. Providing the cutting-edge systems in the world to help our clients on the strategic scales.

The security risk assessment is the first stage and made it with all consideration of threats internal and external damage which our Security Profile will detect, analyze and prevent all threats actions from any intruder in order to offer you a Smart SecuritySolutions.